Sama veda pdf in tamil
Sama veda pdf in tamil

Yet we know that therein lies the explanation of all ethics, of all morality and all spirituality in the universe. We know how very few in this world can come to the last, or even dare believe in it, and fewer still dare act according to it. It begins with dualism, goes through a qualified monism and ends in perfect monism.

sama veda pdf in tamil

It went from the external to the internal cosmic body, God immanent in the universe, and ended in identifying the soul itself with that God, and making one Soul, a unit of all these various manifestations in the universe. We have seen that it began with the Personal, the extra-cosmic God. "These are the salient points of the three steps which Indian religious thought has taken in regard to God. And the Ranayaniya in the Maharastra, Karnataka Gokarna, few parts of Orissa." - Source: The Jaiminiya in the Carnatic, Tamilnadu and Kerala. There are three recensions of the text of the Samaveda Samhita: The Kauthuma recension is current in Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and since a few decades in Darbhanga, Bihar. Samaveda's Upaveda (technical manual) is Gandharvaveda that deals not only with the topics of music but also of dance and theatre. When sung the verses are further altered by prolongation, repetition and insertion of stray syllables (stobha), as well as various modulations, rests and other modifications prescribed in the song-books (Ganas). There are frequent variations from the text of the Rigveda that are in some cases glosses but in others offer an older pronunciation than that of the Rigveda (such as for common ). The verses have been transposed and re-arranged, without reference to their original order, to suit the rituals in which they were to be employed. It consists of a collection (samhita) of hymns, portions of hymns, and detached verses, all but 75 taken from the Sakala Sakha of the Rigveda, the other 75 belong to the Bashkala Sakha, to be sung, using specifically indicated melodies called Samagana, by Udgatar priests at sacrifices in which the juice of the Soma plant, clarified and mixed with milk and other ingredients, is offered in libation to various deities.

sama veda pdf in tamil

Its earliest parts are believed to date from 1700 BC (since all of its verses are from the Rigveda) and it ranks next in sanctity and liturgical importance to the Rigveda. "The Sama veda (from saman melody and veda knowledge), is second (in the usual order) of the four Vedas, the ancient core Hindu scriptures.


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Sama veda pdf in tamil